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More Links Found Between Aggression and Drinking

Researchers have found links between aggression, and other moods, and specific types of alcohol that people consume. Some may cry when they have had too much to drink. Some may look to get into a fight. And some may become the life of the party.

Anyone who has had something to drink knows that alcohol impacts how you feel and think. Now researchers are beginning to understand the specifics of how alcohol affects the mind and emotions, specifically how different types of alcohol will make a person feel.

Looking at the drinking habits and reactions of 30,000 people, connections have been made between the type of drinks someone has, and the way they make them feel. Alcohol will affect different groups of people in different ways emotionally it turns out.

Researchers have found that certain types of alcohol will make some populations more prone to certain emotions, like aggression. For example, men are more likely to feel more aggressive with any type of alcohol, while women were more likely to associate a specific feeling with a specific type of alcohol.

This has the potential to tell researchers more about how the brain processes alcohol and emotions, and give potentials to new ideas on treatment. It can also give societies new insights into the phenomenon of heavy drinking, alcohol abuse, and addiction.

Read more here: How Alcohol Impacts Your Mood: Study Shows Major Link Between Spirits and Aggression
